Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Re note to Self

You know what.. I think I feel better. Im getting better. Im strong. Just need to dig deep inside to find my strenth. Thank God.

I am right. I deserve better. And since the moment I believed it, I've been feeling so much more stronger. Sure I miss him. Sure he's on my mind all the fucking time. But the memory of him does not reduce me to tears anymore. Atleast i dont let myself be reduced to tears.

Any man who's fool enough to let me go.. is a totall dumass idiot. His loss.

Im young, im single, im hot. I don't have to run behind anyone. Never did, don't see why i should start now.

Take care Coobaby. You should know that I take shit from noone.

There comes a time when you just need to say goodbye and let go.

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