Monday, November 15, 2010

Don't make me cry babe

I feel like I'm dying... There are moments when I feel like I can go on. And then, there are moments like this.. when I feel like somebody has ripped something out of me. I feel like there's nothing worth living for. And I see you going on with your life, as if nothing happened, as if nothing has affected you... and I hurt even more. How can I go on like this?

I need you!! Dammit! I want to see you smile at me again. I want to see you walk towards me. I want to see a txt msg from you on my phone. I want to feel your arms around me...

Get these memories out of my head. I feel like I'm going insane!!! I can't bear this. I can't bear that I might have meant nothing to him... When I thought he really loved me.

Don't make me cry babe.... I'm sorry about what I did... I truely am. Wish i could take it back. I wish...

Please God, help me bear this hurt. It just hurts so much.

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