Friday, November 19, 2010

Bored... :(

I'm at home today and im bored to tears.... I mean really really bored.

Trying to keep my thought away... not really succeeding there... but well whats new.

Went to Commons with the dept last night, ate till i couldnt breathe. Came home looking forward to sleep... but the moment i entered my home and got into bed... sleep as usual was impossible. When i finally dropped off to sleep, kept waking up every few hours. Finally i just got up at arounf 5.30am. Sigh... when is this going to end...? I can't sleep in my own house cos of the memories. I can't do anything. Get outta my head!!!!!!

Maybe i sould get a new bed.... Better yet... Why dont i just shift house...?? :'(

I have a weekend ahead of me... which i can't imagine getting thru...

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