Friday, November 19, 2010


Yesterday, Nov 18, was Coo's B'day. I send him a very normal friendly wish via a FB msg. Which he thanked me for today.... surprise surprise.. by commin online on msn. But that was it. Thank you for the B'day wish. No bye. and he signs out.


Funnily, he hasnt changed his msn display name. But knowing him.... it wont be long before thats also gone. Not that it should matter to me... but well... I dont know. He'll take away everything that reminds me of him. I'm not sure if thats for my benefit or for his benefit.

It's been 10 awful days now. 10 DAYS! 10 long days of heartache. 10 days of missing him. 10 days of hardly any sleep. 10 days of not knowing how Lilcoo is. 10 days of not being able to tell him to giv Lilcoo a kiss from me. 10 days of no texts from him. 10 days of not hearing his voice. 10 days of not hearing him walk into my house. 10 days of hell.... pure hell.

And yet, life does go on. As i've said before, thank God for great friends.

Well... this relationship had to end sometime right. Guess now is that time.
Coobaby I miss you.

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