Monday, November 22, 2010


So im like on leave these days... Sooo much time to my hands. Yuck. Anyways, i got around to cleaning my room today... did some shopping... busted a whole lot of cash... the usual.

Did he cross my mind today...? yes he did.
Did i miss him today? yes i did.
How many times did i look at his profile today? Only once for the last 2 days. (im soooo proud of myself)

Oh.. and im gonna get a few more tattoos... :) Yes..!!! Im hoping to get like 3 more... so cross my fingers hoping the price will be right... so that i can get all 3. Can't wait!!!

And yesterday, i bought the most prettiest, sexiest dress to wear to my  previous officer's wedding. I mean, I definitely know im gonna be the hottest lady there... heeehehehehe... Just need to find the perfect matching shoes now. Sighhhhh...

I hope Coo & wife are not invited for the wedding. Hmph! Well, even if they are... no biggie.

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