Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Days that seem like years

What a painful 2 days it has been. I've been on auto-pilot. Just going thru the motions of my daily tasks. Im missing him with every breath i take. He's in every thought that crosses my mind.

I know that time will heal this wound of mine. I know that God will help me ease the pain. It's just sooo hard right now. I don't know what to do with myself. I feel so helpless and alone. Every memory of us together tortures me. All the songs on the radio, even the roads i travel on.. it all reminds me of him. I miss him so much.

This may sound all corny.. but I love him so much. And maybe he never really loved me.. I dont know. All i know is I gave my love freely, I gave it all. With no reservation. No holding back. I literaly bared my soul to him. And now he's gone.

Maybe it's for the best. I just wish... wish he would atleast talk to me. After all the love i gave... he's going to hold this mistake against me, and not even talk to me or look at me..? Why? How can he hate me so much..?

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