Thursday, June 3, 2010

Building Walls...

Ok.. so maybe i shouldn't be happy right... shouldn't i be sad and depressed? Which Im not... Well atleast i think im not... In fact, im just movin on with my life as usual. Minus all the night life.

Which means im bored at home... considering im on leave and all that. Exit boyfriend - Enter Facebook... ha ha ha... :)

My mind is a blank wall... most of the time... its like its not even there sometimes... am i just ignoring my thoughts... is this normal... well considering its me... i don't know.
Each day is just following another... time is just passing thru... and well.. im at a stand still kind of...

How do u find what exactly is the easy path and what exactly can be called the hard way... When both roads seem to have an almost equal amount of barriers.... how do i know which path i should take...

I wish i knew.


  1. The lights will guide you home! :)

  2. Follow the light for you shall find Happiness.. Directions are blurred... obstacles everywhere...
