Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Crashing Dreams - Broken Thunder

So its 2 days after my... most public break up of a relationship of 4 years. And I'm wondering... what made me do it....? Why end something so secure and safe and.... normal....?
And the answer is... I don't Know.

Am I crazy.....?

No. wait. I do know why i did what i did. Hello...? I'm all for change...

A friend told me to 'find a purpose to my life'. When i was with him, talking to him, i found that purpose.
What do i do when anger takes over. When i just want to lash out and everyone and everything that surrounds me...?

What happens when love alone is not enough... ? Is this the mistake of a lifetime...? Is this the 1st thing in my life that i Might actually regret....?

Wow.. am i heartless... and selfish...?

or am i just another confused person trying to find his/her way....

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