Sunday, February 20, 2011

Time, Patience, Love

There are moments when he drives me crazy,
There are moments when I just want to yell at him,
But he knows me well now.
He knows my temper.
He knows my love.
And he's patient.
How angry I get at him... How brutal my messages.
Well, he may deserve it...
But still...
Still he's sticks around.
Oh I don't understand this life.
And as hell I don't understand my heart.
My temper may simmer and boil for days,
Yet the moment I see him, the moment he's close-by.
Like rain on fire... my anger evaporates.
Like balm on a wound... I feel whole again.
What are we doing baby?
Where will we end up.
How long can we go on like this...
I do not know.
But I do know you love me,
And for now, it is enough.

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