Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Sunset

Sometimes I catch a glimpse of a man, so troubled yet hiding it so well.
I see a man whose heart has been betrayed.
A troubled past, a complicated life, two sides of the same coin.
This man that I see, he is the one that I love
A love I will not deny.
His pain and his sadness, yes I feel it.
I ache for him.
To wrap my arms around him.
To comfort him.
I've watched him sleep before, I've held him close.
He deserves to be loved.
He may not have the purest past but does it matter?
Noone cared before, no one gave a damn.
They took from him- he just repayed them the favour.
No more.
He is Mine.
Mine to love.
His soul belongs to Me.
Mine to guide, mine to protect.
His heart beats for me, just as mine beats for him.
Sometimes, dreams seem futile.
Hope seems spare.
Being apart is a slow torture
Sweetened by stolen moments and secret kisses.
I am happy being with him.
No matter what it may cost me.
No matter what I may give up along the way.
He can always find his haven, right here in my arms.
I made that promise.
I will keep it.

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