Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Story of my life

So we go on and on in this romantic tragedy.. which takes up a better part of my thought space in my mind...

So the long weekend is comming up, and my friends have organised to go to Hikka. They asked me and, well, i asked Coota. Coo ddn't obviously sound too trilled about it cos certain persons would also be goin.

How is it, that the thought of leaving him here in Colombo, and me going to hikka can made me feel so lousy? I mean not like staying in colombo would enable me to see him or spend time with him, cos he has things to take care of. Which would anyway make me depressed. At the same time, My heart is just not it when i think about heading down to Hikka with my pals. I feeleven more depressed. I mean, What the hell is wrong with me....?

Wish i could just forget him.. wipe him from my memory. But then.. How can i wipe him from my memory. I Love him. I wouldn't trade anything for the bestest moments i've shared with him.

And then... he goes and behaves like the person i hate him behaving like. The workaholic. I hardly got a txt  from him today. Neither did i get any IM s from him today, unless it was in reply to something i sent. :(
I hate it when he's like that. I miss him. And when he's like that it makes me feel as if he's forgotten me, or can't be bothered with me.
Am i being immature...? Selfish...? Or could it be that he's just really busy and doesn't have the time...?


Please someone... rip out my heart, my feelings, my memories... and burn them. Please. Cos while being with him is heaven.. Loving him is hell... Missing him... well.. there's just no words to describe how that feels like.

Life's such a sorry business when u get caught in the tangle of emotions isn't it..

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