Thursday, December 23, 2010

So wierd...

I don't know what the hell is wrong with me men... Im in like such a lousy mood these days. Im feeling so down and depressed. I love christmas, but this christmas sucks! What christmas with all the crap going on at home... Didn't even put up the tree this time. I didn't even bother to buy anyone presents. One reason being im too broke to do so.. and the other is that... whats the point...?

I just feel like crying men.. I wanna have a good cry. I just feel so tired sometimes. Like what's the point of everything... It's a sure lonely depressing christmas this year. sigh... Maybe i'll be like Mr Bean and buy myself a gift and wrap it up.. and write myself some xmas cards and slip it under my door... lol... yeah.. that sounds like a sad plan.

whatever... It's just christmas. It's Christmas dammit!

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