Sunday, December 12, 2010


Why the fuck cac't i lie for once. Today coo asked me if i'd kissed anyone else. To tell him, he promised he wouldn't get mad. So well, me being the honest strait forward person that i am (unfortunately).. said 'yes'... id kissed ____ at this place... when i was really really drunk. (here im refering to ____'s brother).

No reply since then. Either he has fallen asleep before he saw my reply, or he's once again too upset to reply or answer my calls.

God please help me..!! I don't want to base my life on a bunch of lies... Especailly i can't lie to him.. So PLEASE... please don't take him away from me again.

But if he wants to go... well then that's the way it is. HE's a free man.

Fuck Fuck Fuck!!!... This is what they call having a past that comes back to haunt huh.. Fuck!!

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