Sunday, January 23, 2011

We are getting Better

I cannot explain what's going on between Coo and me. Lately... we have been spending more time together... like atleast once a week he makes time to go out for a coffee after work or something... and he comes over more often.. txts more often... he actaully cares what im upto? where i am? wher im going? what im buyin?

Wow... im amazed. Something has changed. Ever since the last time i tried to break up with him, and with he begging me to please give him another chance... he's become a different person. Almost.

I'm more in love with him than ever before. And he is more in love with me than before too.. it's crazy. We've both changed. I mean... I can't explain it... just that we've grown closer to each other. He's so sweet at times. I love him sooo much! But if he pisses me off again he knows that im soo gonna dump his nice ass. :)

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