Tuesday, June 21, 2011


What the fuck is Love?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Finding Happiness

In search of happiness... Do we ever really find it? Do we ever truly have it and hold on to it? Is it real? I wish i knew... I wish I remembered... what it feels like to be 'Happy'.

Monday, June 6, 2011

My life

You are my life
And not being with you hurts so much.
I cannot sleep and i cannot eat.
I wake up in the morning crying out for you.
My heart aches.
God told me in time everything will be okay.
But time seems to pass-by so slowly.
And every second without you feels like i'm dying.
I know this is my doing.
I know this is my choice.
For the thousandth time i wonder,
Baby why didn't you wait for me?
Our lives would have been so different.
Oh god, please give me the strength to bear this pain.
I need to be strong.
Please give him the strength to be srtong too.
I know he is hurting too. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Self inflicted torture..

If you know the concept of self inflicted torture... this is it. Breaking up with someone you're still very much in love with... yep, that sure tops the list.

Well... I did today what i should have done ages ago i guess. And trust me it HURTS! So bad it hurts. But logic prevails and will prevail for once. If he doesn't love me enough to be with me... Then he doesn't deserve me at all. I'm done with the excuses. I'm done.

I deserve better and it's time to let life move me forward. I'm not going to watch him and everyone else get a move on their lives, while I stand still waiting for him.

Goodbye Coo. I've said it many many times before. But this time... I mean it. Sadly, we were never meant to be.

Time to start a new chapter.

Time to start over.

Time to heal.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A feeling...

I've got a feeling that's telling me the end is near... It's time to move on.