Wednesday, October 6, 2010


OMG...!!! I hate people who are married to their fucking jobs...!!! Don't they realise that people are more important than their fucking job? What the hell man... arrrgggghhhh!!!!
Im sooo fucking pissed and annoyed and bored out of my mind right now. It's depressing!
Why can't I find myself a decent guy who actually treats me right, who actually has TIME to SPEND with ME...?? ARGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I just feel like hitting somebody!!!! But there isn't anyone around to hit. I feel like screaming my head off, but i can't cos the landlord might freak out!!!
Remind me again, WHAT THE FUCK am i doing with him....? I mean i could pick any guy to fuck around with, so what am i doing with HIM...??? Why am i being sooooo bloody faithful to him, when the bloody fool doesnt even have time to spare for me...?!!!??!! Nooooo.... He doesnt even have time to reply to a fucking sms. I mean i know he's bogged down with work... but come on!!! How long would it take him to take his phone out and type 'Did u get home babe? sorry im bathing wit wrk, dont be mad, love you'????
Bloody fool!! Idiot!! Arrrgggggggghhhhhh!!

Im a bigger idiot for sticking with him...!! Will somebody just shoot me...? now? please...?!!!!

The bloody fucker doesn't even give a fuck!

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