Sunday, June 13, 2010

Is it the Rain?

Well, well i'm back. Lots of interesting things have been happening lately. Some good some bad.

So well, remember i mentioned that i asked one of my office pals to come dancing with me... well i changed my mind. I don't want him to come. Looks like he may have feelings of some sort for me. And, i'm totally pissed off with him. The shmuck!!

Anyways, so well saturday was a good day... (wink! wink!) Damn but i have a complicated romance life. Again i ask... why are all the sweet guys, who are also great in bed, and out of it, taken. Why is it that they are eaither bloody married or in a cmmited' relationship....??? Why oh  why....!!!???!!! Arrrggghhhh...!!!!

Oh okayyy... i'm calm. I'm calm... lol.

So ya. Guess Whaaaat..? I cried yesterday. I when to watch the movie 'Kites' and it was soooo sad that i cried. I was so happy i cried.... Which was totally anticlimactic.
And then after the movie... on the way home.... WOw wow wowowowo...

So yes. I came to the conclusion that i'm totally in a big big mess. Emotionally. I'm not sure if i'm just wanting something just because i know i can't have it, or is it because i really want it? Or am i on the rebound? But why does it hurt everytime i'm with him and he answers his cell or replies to a message? Why does it kill me when he's with me and he has to talk to his 'other half' about some mundane thing or another. It kills me. It hurts. And yet i stay. WTF...??

I know in my heart this obviously can't go on like this... There's no future in it - for me. I'd die a thousand times.
And then, he holds my hand and i forget my name, where i am, who i am... and it's all a whirlwind.

I know this is not what i need right now in my life. I don't need these complications. Yet who said all humans were logical creatures. We are suckers for passion and love and excitement. As with everything, i won't regret this. I will relish it while it lasts. And deal with the consequences when the time comes.

'I wish that airplanes in the night sky were like shooting stars: I could really use a wish right now, a wish right now....' Or

At home, things are shittier than usual. I'm still technically grounded. I'm seriously comtemplating moving out and getting my own place. What the hell, i'm not a small child anymore to be grounded or have curfews or anything. I'm telling you, all this anger
and feelings is going to get me into trouble.

Oh well thats it for now...
Adios amigos...!!! Untill i catch you all later with more gory updates about my life.

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