Tuesday, July 17, 2012


It's like a soft whisper in my ear
A caress on my cheek,
A fleeting subtle memory,
Of when you were here.

But I remember once more
That you are long gone.
I'm here alone,
Lost and in pain.

I wish we could go back
To that moment on the beach,
Dancing in the rain
All our cares out of reach.

I loved you once
I still do.
My hearts broken from loving you.
Shards of glass wouldn't hurt as much.

All my dreams are waking nightmares.
Now as I lie alone in bed.
I star across to your pillow,
Where once you would have laid.

Why did I fall in love so hard?
I'm all bruised after the fall.
I can cry in pain...
But who will hear me weep?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Do you ever feel that you are living with your thoughts, your memories, your broken dreams... and you're like what the fuck is up with that? When all you wanna do is move on, yet you seem stuck in this rut.. cos the person you want is not the person you can ever have.
Just like a dog in the haystack.

Friday, July 6, 2012

They say they saw you with her, I should be happy.. that your moving on.
They say she was seated close to you... how could you?

They say all this happened on a Monday.
When you were supposed to make a decision and speak to me.

Guess I know now why you weer so busy.

It's alright. You were the best thing I never had.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Im soo tired today... well i've been tired since last few days.... everything is just too much trauma to deal with. I just wanna sleep for a month and wake up when everything is alright.