Tuesday, May 8, 2012

More Hate mail

There's this one particular Chinese family that I hate. I mean I seriously hate that family. I wish.. I wish that the plane they took to this country had crashed in the ocean. The whole lot of them. I mean, I've nothing against the Chinese nation. But just this lot.. argh...! they don't even look pretty. I mean you get some hot Chinese women, but this lot... I just want them out of this country. Them, the relatives, their children... Iwish they could just go inhabit another country Why'd they have to settle their asses over here? Louses.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Sometimes I feel that everything I seem to have given you is a waste. An utter complete waste. What have I got in return? Please do tell me for I seem to have misplaced those memories. A handful of good times, what a laugh.

All you do is take, take and take. You just keep taking.

I don't trust you, there are times I simply hate you and wish you were dead. Then I go back to the mistrust and hate. You don't deserve to have been loved by a woman like me. You deserve nothing of it. You've just pissed all over it and now your footprints mark the spot.

Love? Love is a joke not shared. Love is a poison we ask for. And once we taste it we rot in our deathbed. Like a carcass in the wilds. Stripped to the bone.

The pain, the hurt, the anger the hate... I just wish I could throw it in your dammed face. I wish I could tear you apart and feed you to the vultures. I wish I could rip your family in strips like bacon. Until there's nothing and no-one but you left all alone. Bereft of love and attention. Lost and abandoned. With no one to turn to. I want you to feel the loneliness I feel. I want you to feel my hate and my loss.

Love? I scorn it! Love is a lie we tell ourselves to make us feel good inside. I happen to be an exceptional fool in this regard as I've lied to myself all this time. Lied to myself in thinking there was something called 'pure love'. A weak butterfly who fell in love with the bright deceptive bloom. I got drunk on nectar so sweet it made me sick.

Oh how I wish I could hurt you. How I want to draw blood. To cut you so deep that you're maimed for life. Paralised. Crippled. Torn.

Love! The sound of that word sickens me! My hate... my abhorrence... drives me mad. Unable to think clearly, unable to find peace until I see you suffer. You selfish toad!

Take take take! That's all you've done. Loneliness is your gift to me. Wrapped in gilded paper. Fool is what I am. I hate myself too. My weakness being you. My weakness being Love. You misused.

All I see is scarlet red. Not for Love, but for the pain you've put me thru, the pain I inflicted on myself.

Take your scraps and shove it.